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real remy cuticle hair wholesale

Features of Full Cuticle Hair


Why High Quality Cuticle Remy Hair is Sourced From A Single Donor ?

Hair is sourced from a single donor matter for several reasons.

The first reason is single donor hair generally looks better as it flows well in color and texture. Another reason single-donor hair matters is it has less likely to be chemically processed.

Hair from multiple donors needs to be chemically processed to create a uniform look.

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 Another reason to consider is single donor hair is generally higher quality and more ethically sourced, making it a much better option. 

Full-Cuticle Hair Is Easier To Maintain 

Since full cuticle hair is natural hair, you can treat it very similarly to how you treat your own hair. While non-cuticle hair is highly processed, and typical day-to-day activities will strip it of its properties and looks, leaving it dull and ugly. Full cuticle hair will retain its natural color, shape, texture, and appeal because it has not been processed. 



Full-Cuticle Hair Lasts Longer  

Once again, because full-cuticle hair is natural hair derived from a single source without chemical processing, it doesn't have the additives that will be stripped away. This means it will maintain its natural luster, shine, and strength resulting in increased longevity. The more something is processed, the shorter it will last. 

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